10 July 2003

They should be tried for war crimes....

When your libraries close their doors, you can't negotiate your neighborhood's potholed streets without 4-wheel drive, your kids' schools become nothing more than institutionalized babysitting centers with metal-detectors, you get laid off and find "unemployment insurance" won't pay even a week's rent and you rush to the emergency room with spiking fevers and the worst runs ever after eating a MacD's burger only to find--what emergency room?!--it closed months ago due to bankruptcy, you can thank G.W. Bush, et al., with his tax-cuts to the wealthy and immoral, insane and criminal warmongering.
WASHINGTON, July 9 - Gen. Tommy R. Franks said today that violence and uncertainty in Iraq made it unlikely that troop levels would be reduced "for the foreseeable future," and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld nearly doubled the estimated military costs there to $3.9 billion a month. [emphasis mine]


Under intense questioning from Senator Robert C. Byrd, Democrat of West Virginia, Mr. Rumsfeld or his aides telephoned Pentagon financial officers during a break and reported back to the committee that cost estimates for the Iraq campaign had reached $3.9 billion per month, on average from this past January through September.

A Pentagon official said the $3.9 billion figure "is the estimated cost to maintain the current force level in Iraq," which includes expenses for military operations, including fuel, transportation, food, ordnance and personnel, but not reconstruction costs. The $3.9 billion figure is almost double the $2 billion per month estimate issued by administration officials in April. In addition, the cost of operations in Afghanistan are now $900 million to $950 million monthly, Mr. Rumsfeld said. [emphasis mine]
Those $$$billions are coming from your pocket and mine, and every dollar of them is money that would be better spent here at home, refurbishing our infrastructure, improving our schools, financing healthcare, manufacturing tangible goods and generally improving on taxpayers' lives.

Not only that, but two more American soldiers were killed by hostile fire in Iraq yesterday, bringing the post May 1 (when Bush triumphantly declared the worst of the fighting over) "coalition" death-toll to 37 (83 if you include non-combat deaths).

Stories here and here.

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