07 July 2003

Just desserts....

Some good news for a change:
NEW YORK, July 7 — The cable television station MSNBC Monday fired Michael Savage for anti-gay comments. The popular radio talk show host who did a weekend TV show for the cable channel referred to an unidentified caller to his show Saturday as a “sodomite” and said he should “get AIDS and die.”
I never cease to be amazed at the dirt that spews from the mouths of shockjocks like Savage, Limbaugh, Schlessinger, et al. I'm glad MSNBC did the right thing in this case. Although, with Savage's blatant homophobic, misogynist record, they should have known better than to hire him in the first place.

I got the news from a Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting email. Confirmed it here.

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