EPA doctors climate report....
Do Bush and his oil buddies really believe they can prop up the sky merely by saying it isn't falling? Or do they plan to flee with their children and grandchildren to eco-domes situated on high-ground when the oceans rise, the hurricanes rage, the high temperatures roast people and the crops fail? Their greed and short-sightedness astound me.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House directed a major rewrite of an assessment of climate change, removing references to health and environmental risks posed by rising global temperatures, according to internal draft documents made public Thursday.Complete story here.
Several Senate Democrats, including some running for president, accused the White House of ``doctoring'' the Environmental Protection Agency report to suit President Bush's skeptical views on global warming.
The report on the state of the environment has been an agency priority. It is to be released next week before the agency chief Christie Whitman departs on June 27.
According to EPA officials and internal documents obtained Thursday, most of the original section on climate change was scrapped after the White House directed significant changes and deletions that emphasized the uncertainties surrounding the climate change debate.
The changes demanded by the White House were so extensive that the climate section ``no longer accurately represents scientific consensus on climate change,'' according to an April 29 EPA staff memo....