Yep, that's him...! |
...Rich draws a quick but brilliant sketch of Bush as a lazy, entitled boor, lacking in any real ideology beyond crony-capitalist Republicanism, who above all wanted to win and was accustomed to winning -- because he had always played with a rigged deck.
"...Iraq was just the vehicle to ride to victory in the midterms, particularly if it could be folded into the proven brand of 9/11. A cakewalk in Iraq was the easy way, the lazy way, the arrogant way, the telegenic way, the Top Gun way to hold on to power. It was of a piece with every other shortcut in Bush's career, and it was a hand-me-down from Dad drenched in oil to boot."
Brilliantly apt description from a
review of
The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Frank Rich in today's
Salon. (Requires subscription or ad viewing.)
1 comment:
was accustomed to winning -- because he had always played with a rigged deck
So true. Born on third and thought he hit a triple...
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