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Small victory...?
From today's Salon:
...At a time when substantive victories in Washington are rare, the failure of Congress to enact legislation authorizing warrantless eavesdropping -- thereby ensuring the continuation of the National Security Agency scandal, enabling various lawsuits challenging the legality of the president's actions to proceed, and virtually assuring full-scale investigations if Democrats take over one or both houses -- is significant.According to Glenn Greewald in a later post in War Room the delay and probable victory for rule of law has nothing to do with Democrats' opposition (big surprise!) but rather Republican disarray.
If Friday sees no passage of a bill, however, the chance that the FISA issue will stay alive for the mid-term elections and--if Democrats regain control of Congress--lead to criminal indictments for members of the Bush administration is to be fervently hoped for.
(Salon requires subscription or ad viewing.)
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