17 August 2006

(See this excellent image in its original animated format here.

We're losing....

Still believe the Iraq war hasn't hurt US prestige abroad?

Then check out this poll, taken in America's closest ally in the ill-begotten invasion.
Four out of five Britons believe the west is losing the "war against terror" and want Tony Blair to distance British foreign policy from the United States, a poll revealed today.


Tony Blair's policy of standing shoulder to shoulder with President Bush on foreign policy, most recently seen in his backing of the US stance in the Israel-Lebanon war, is only supported by 14% of the public, according to the poll.
At the same time, the poll showed that the British are becoming more hawkish, favouring the jailing of terror suspects for a full 90 days without charges (rather than the current 28 days) and believing that the West is fighting a third world war against global terrorism which threatens their way of life.

Complete story here.

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