Desperate acts...?
While President Bush calls today's attacks in Baghdad that killed up to 40 people and wounded 200, the acts of "desperate" individuals who "hate freedom" and "love terror," others see them as indications that the resistance is growing stronger and more organized.
...All of the attacks came within 45 minutes of each other and appeared to be carefully choreographed by Iraqi resistance guerrillas and timed to coincide with the first day of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.Meanwhile, near Fallujah, "US troops opened fire indiscriminately, killing at least four Iraqi civilians, after a roadside bomb exploded as a US military convoy passed."
Brigadier General Ahmed Ibrahim, Iraq's deputy interior minister, put the Iraqi death toll at 34, including 26 civilians and eight police officers. He did not include any suicide bombers in the tally.
One American soldier was also killed in one of the police station attacks and six US troops were wounded, the US military said.
The capital has now seen the worst two days of violence since the war was declared over in April and the sound of sirens reverberated through the streets as emergency vehicles criss-crossed the city.
The terror attacks came hours after clashes in the Baghdad area killed three US soldiers overnight, and a day after an audacious rocket salvo attack on the Rashid hotel in central Baghdad which narrowly missed Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary, who had been staying there. A US colonel was killed and 18 people wounded in that attack.
Someone at Saturday's peace rally had a great idea for ending our occupation of Iraq. Draft the Bush daughters and the children of congressmen, senators and other politicians and ceo's into the ranks of those troops destined to go.
Complete story here.
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