20 May 2003

Something different....

I'm going to try something new here.

I'll be on vacation in Brooklyn (with my sweetie!) starting tomorrow and rather than leave Krieg9 to languish, I've decided to post excerpts from my (in-progress) memoir.

I plan to post every day or every other day, depending on my schedule and on readers' interest.

Please be aware, the details of my life could rock your world, especially readers who have come here seeking war news and political commentary. Even a few of you who know me personally may be surprised.

I am not telling my story to shock or offend, however, but because I believe it's worthy of telling for a variety of reasons. In regard to this blog, my politics and radical perspective have been intimately shaped by the events of my life.

As for my timing, I just finished reading the book, Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides--a tour-de-force, I highly recommend!-- and the fact that Eugenides was just awarded the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, gives me hope that readers, or, at least, my readers, are ready to hear my story.

One final caveat: What I'm posting here will be truth, not fiction. I know, it's the Internet...where truth is as malleable as twice-chewed bubble-gum and just as precious. But I'm serious. This is the true story of my life.

With no further ado, the first installment will follow ....

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