11 May 2003

If they say it's true, it must be so....
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The American general who commanded the Iraq war issued a statement Sunday saying Saddam Hussein's Baath Party "is dissolved," ordering the political organization that ruled the country for 35 years to cease existence immediately.

The message from Gen. Tommy Franks, commander of coalition forces, was read over U.S.-controlled Information Radio on Sunday afternoon.
If it's so simple, why don't they just declare "Peace between Israel and the Palestinians IMMEDIATELY"? Or, "The recession is over NOW"?

And have they forgotten that many upper-level Baath government and party leaders, including Hussein and his sons themselves, remain at large?

Moreover, party membership or affiliation was required for many, if not most white-collar jobs in Iraq. American officials have already been putting Baath leaders back in positions of power--like re-appointing Hussein's personal physician, Muhammad al-Rawi, to his former post as president of Baghdad University, the largest in the country.

AP story here, via My Way.

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