30 April 2003


You've probably all seen this one by now....
BAGHDAD - The retired general overseeing Iraq's postwar reconstruction said on Wednesday that his fellow Americans should beat their chests with pride at having toppled Saddam Hussein without destroying the country's assets.

"We ought to be beating our chests every day. We ought to look in a mirror and get proud and stick out our chests and suck in our bellies and say: 'Damn, we're Americans!'," Jay Garner told reporters.....

Funny, no mention of the Iraqi National Museum....The next quote clarifies the Bush administration's priorities--if there was ever any doubt.
"I was planning on the oilfields [sic] being torched, a huge humanitarian crisis and a monumental reconstruction task, " he said.

"There is no humanitarian crisis ... and there's not much infrastructure problem here, other than getting the electrical grid structure back together."
No humanitarian crisis? Not much infrastructure problem? (Odd sentence infrastructure, though.) Obviously, all these guys ever cared about was damage to their precious oil fields.

One more thing: hasn't humanity evolved beyond the chest-beating stage?!

I wish we could round up all these smug, selfish, Right-Wing, homophobic, nationalistic, fundamentalist chauvinist types--of all religious and national stripes--so hellbent on fighting bombing torturing poisoning drilling polluting surveilling hoarding and hypocritically forbidding, give them an empty, lifeless planet of their own, and let them go at one another to their little hearts content, while leaving the rest of us to live our lives honorably, generously, sustainably and in peace!

Or, at the very least, I wish that Bush had accepted Hussein's pre-war challenge to a duel and the war had ended there.

Article here. Thanks to Common Dreams and This Modern World.

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