Another way to accomplish regime change....
Impeach their asses...! The following great idea is from yesterday's dailyKOS.
We invaded Iraq SOLELY on the basis of its supposed WMD program. We damaged international institutions such as the UN and NATO. We wounded our relationships with several of our closest allies and Russia, spurring talk of global coalitions against US hegemony. We spent an $80 billion on the war and first 6 months of occupation, more to come later. We suffered over 600 dead and wounded. We killed untold thousands.
If in six months no such weapons are found, then start impeachment proceedings.
This war has been too costly, in both treasure and human life. To have based the war on nothing more than rumor is gross incompetence. Our country deserves better.
Remember that this was never about "freedom". The presence of Eritria, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Ethopia in our "Coalition of the Willing" proves that. It was about WMDs.
If we don't find them, the costs were all for naught, and Bush should pay the price.
Of course now, according to today's KOS, administration officials are spinning that they overstated the thread of Iraqi WMDs and invaded Iraq simply to "make a point." If Clinton can suffer impeachment proceedings for lying about a blowjob in the White House, how much more so should Bush for the travesty of bringing about this war through a campaign of willful misinformation and lies?!
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