21 September 2006

The truth about the military....

I wish this video had been available when my nephew was planning to enlist in the late 1980's into the Marines. I wrote him a long letter, trying desperately to dissuade him. But his parents, both Right-Wing Christians, supported his decision and signed the permission papers, as he was only 17.

He wasn't sent to war, but emerged from the military a wrecked man nonetheless. He was discharged early (I'm not sure why) and has been a total mess ever since. Can't hold down a steady job. Drifts from place to place. No friends. Never in a relationship. Holds scary extreme right views. He's fascinated with guns, knives and survivalist views.

Clearly, I can't blame the military for all his troubles. But (a) if he was that emotionally vulnerable, he should never have been allowed to enlist, especially as a teenager; (b) something happened, in basic training or during the couple of years he served, that sent him completely over the edge; and (c) the military could give a damn that they discharged a broken man back into society who can't cope, holds extremely anti-social views, and has advanced military training.

His latest attempt to pull his life together? More military training, this time under the auspices of a private contractor, and two tours in Afghanistan.

In other words, he's become a mercenary.

(H/T Red State Son.)

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