06 July 2006

Photo from Instapundit here.

Don't worry, America's fourth estate is on top of it...

Why is speculation on President Bush's alleged anxiety over turning 60 a front-page story in America's (undeserving) paper-of-record?!
...Could it be that Mr. Bush, with his enviably low heart rate and penchant for two-hour mountain bike rides that exhaust Secret Service agents half his age, is worried about getting old? Is that why the president, so mindful of proper attire that he demands a coat and tie in the Oval Office even on weekends, wore a decidedly youthful red-and-white Hawaiian shirt to his two-days-early birthday dinner in the East Room of the White House Tuesday night?
Earth-shatteringly important story here if you're desperately bored enough to want to read it.

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