15 November 2003

A mayoral race to follow....
San Francisco's race for mayor is too close to call, but Supervisor Matt Gonzalez has a small lead among those most likely to vote Dec. 9, according to a poll released Friday by CBS 5-TV.

The poll, taken earlier this week by SurveyUSA of New Jersey, gave Gonzalez a surprising 49 to 47 percent lead over Supervisor Gavin Newsom among those certain to vote in the runoff. Among probable voters, Newsom had a 46 percent to 43 percent advantage. Both results are within the poll's margin of error.
For those who don't know it, Gonzalez is a Green Party candidate, while Newsom is the designated Democratic heir to outgoing Mayor Willie Brown.

Brown has disappointed and alienated many of San Francisco's liberal voters with his pro-business stance.

On the other hand, while San Francisco has no viable Republican party to speak of, there remains a staunch corps of conservative voters who may push Newsom over the top.

Complete story here.

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