25 October 2003

"Core values of this country...?"

This group, "Protest Warrior," has set itself up as defenders of America’s core values and is "crashing" anti-war demonstrations across the country. My sweetie, in D.C. for today’s protest, said a large contingent of more than 100 people shoved its way into today’s rally, carrying assembly-line produced protest signs.

Typical of the Right (think Limbaugh, O’Reilly, etc.), what they lack in logic and truth, these guys more than make up for in aggression, belligerence and arrogance. Take this quote, for example:
We must admit we get a certain high from puncturing the moral self-righteousness of leftists. These people claim to have a monopoly on what is good, their entire self-esteem depends on it. So we like to take their premises to their logical conclusions, and show them that the policies they endorse actually lead to what they're purportedly against. For example, take our sign "Saddam only kills his own people. It's none of our business." A sign like that strikes at their ill-conceived mental constructs, because it's pointing out that their anti-war view on Iraq is very selfish and isolationist. And when this is pointed out to them, it forces them to acknowledge that they are really not for what's good, but that their ideology is based on something far less noble - that in fact they have a hatred of what's good. Witness that the two countries on this planet that stand most for 'liberal' values, the United States and Israel, are the two countries leftists despise the most.
Yeah, and black is white and down is up.

Another tactic of the Right: repeating distortions so often that people come to believe them.

When you explore their site, you see too how the Right portrays itself as the beleaguered victim in American politics. They are beset by the “liberal media,” the ideological McCarthyism at our universities.” And now, the greatest threat to America? “Islamo-fascism.”

Talk about projection.

You’ll be glad to know, though, that according to them, “…due to a successful campaign in Afghanistan, the Taliban is no more, and Al-Qaeda was largely disrupted.” Now that's a relief.

What a bunch of delusional fanatics.

Unfortunately, their ilk now holds the reins of our government.

While they criticize "the Republican party" and "its tradition of weak and uninspiring ads," (which Republican party are they talking about?) it's clear that this group is bigger than just the two, young, affable-looking white guys, pictured on the website. It takes money and organization to mobilize 100 or more anti-protesters to a Washington rally. They may portray themselves as "grassroots" but they're getting watered by someone.

And speaking again of the photo of the two founders. What's with the peace-sign Alan Davidson is flashing?

No, you do not get to co-opt that! It's not just some hip gesture: protestors have had their heads bashed in--they have been shot-- for what it represents. And, believe me, what it represents is not the fascistic pabulum that passes for discourse on your site.

I wonder if they'll show up at today's rally in San Diego...?

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