06 August 2003

I expected more….

Terry Gross just interviewed Bill Maher on Fresh Air. You know, he's not as radical as I'd expected. He said he was only “40-60” against the Iraq war, and he added that even if you were against the war, you should “support the plan now because it may have been Bush's war, but it's America's peace."

I don’t understand that logic. If the invasion of Iraq was morally wrong, fiscally indefensible and logistically unwise, what makes the occupation any different?

One glaring difference is Americans keep dying almost everyday. That ups the potential political cost for Bush and his Neocon cronies. They will never quit Iraq due to morality, fiscal considerations or because the occupation actually increases the risk of terrorist attacks at home. But they might leave if the U.S. body count grows too high.

How sad.

The best we can do now, it seems, is invite in the United Nations and hope—hope!—they don’t rebuff the overture on account of the way Bush spurned them prior to the war.

I was really disappointed in Maher.

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