05 July 2003

You can bet they will...!

When I first got wind of this, I thought it must be an exaggeration. I mean, even President Bush wouldn't be this tactless and stupid.

Oh, but I was wrong. When it comes to insensitivity and pure idiocy, the so-called "leader of the free-world" remains Numero-Uno.

From the Australian Broadcasting Corporation:
TONY JONES: A defiant president George W Bush has vowed to deal with fighters launching attacks on US troops in Iraq, urging Iraqi militants to "bring it on".

Despite the tough talk, he's refused to commit additional troops to the country, although Poland and the Ukraine will be sending more soldiers.

The President's comments came as US forces were ambushed yet again in Iraq.

Today, at least two Iraqis were killed and ten American soldiers wounded in three separate attacks.
According to NPR this morning, we currently have 200,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq, most of them army troops. Our "coalition" members, on the other hand, have contributed a whopping total of 12,000 troops! Most of them British.

Considering how eager Bush was to fight in Vietnam, he sure plays fast and loose with American lives.

Complete Bush story here.

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