24 July 2003

Huffington on corporate tax cheats....
...According to a new study released last week by the Multistate Tax Commission, a nonpartisan coalition of state taxing authorities, corporate tax shelters robbed states of $12.4 billion in desperately needed revenues in 2001 -- a figure that represents more than a third of the money corporations rightfully owed.

Companies sheltering their assets overseas are draining another $70 billion a year from the federal Treasury -- funds that often make their way back to states through programs such as Head Start and AmeriCorps.[Emphasis mine.]
Huffington goes on to personalize those numbers, citing kindergarten classes delayed for a year, nursing homes shut down, the California Arts Council killed, school districts shutting weeks early for summer, teacher layoffs, and so on.

It's becoming a discouragingly familiar litany. What I want to know is, why don't taxpayers--stuck shouldering ever more of the burden for ever diminishing returns--get mad?

Complete column here.

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