20 June 2003

Truth in war....

I doubt this angle will be widely reported in US papers.
American troops today admitted they routinely gun down Iraqi civilians - some of whom are entirely innocent.

As distrust of the invading forces increases amongst the local population US soldiers said they have killed civilians without hesitation, shot injured opponents and abandoned them to die in agony.

The testimonies of the troops on the ground further expose George Bush's claims about the role his forces are playing in the failing reconstruction of Iraq.
I'm not at all surprised, although it saddens me greatly.

When the N.Y. Times reported in late March on civilian murders by callous US Marine snipers (here), it caused nary a ripple of noticiable consternation.

Story here. Make sure you read it all the way to the end, where it mentions the soldier's conviction that Iraqis perpetrated 9/11.

Thanks to This Modern World

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