23 April 2003

"I'm in the Army now, I'm not behind the plough...."

Oh well, what do we need teachers for anyway? Just enlist those kids in the armed services! The next NPR story identified San Diego as the "largest military complex in the world." Wow.... I knew that aircraft carriers operating in the Persian Gulf were home-ported here. We have a busy naval airfield, just east of where I work. And then there's the huge Marine Corps base in the north county, conveniently situated alongside a nuclear power plant, its telltale dome less than a couple hundred meters off the main highway leading to Los Angeles.

Which puts us right up there with NYC as a likely terrorist target, wouldn't you say? Al Qaeda even knows San Diego, having located a couple of the 9/11 hijackers here as they prepared for the infamous attack.

But fear not: we're protected by the CIA, Homeland Security and the FBI!

Ahhh...the same FBI that locally placed an informant as a roommate to one of the 9/11 hijackers, but still failed to uncover the plot? That's the one!

Aren't you glad Bush waged war in Afghanistan and Iraq to make us all safer from terrorism?

The "bloodbath" begins at home....

NPR also announced this morning that 400 jobs will be cut from the San Diego School District to recoup $52 million of an expected $148 million shortfall. Sounds like most of those cut will be teachers. With many more to come....

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